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Public Journal


On an almost daily basis, The Boston Police Department posts on bpdnews.com a public journal of the incident reports filed by officers.

This data is similar to and overlaps with that provided by the Crime Incident Reports. However, the journals provide some additional information: the officer who responded, and any arrests that were made.

Field Name Description
Report Date & Time
Complaint # this can be joined with the INCIDENT_NUMBER field from the Crime Incident Reports; the number may be prefixed with the letter I or have a trailing -00 I remove these leaving just a nine-digit number
Occurrence Date & Time
Officer the employee id of a police officer and name; I believe this is the "Reporting Officer" — sometimes the employee id and the officer name are mismatched, possibly due to human errors in transcription
Location of Occurrence this is similar to the STREET field in the Crime Incident Reports, but is sometimes more specific
Nature of Incident