Decisions made by the Public Records Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
We’ve collected (or “scraped”) Massachusetts public records appeals and made them available as a searchable database on Woke Windows.
Read the blog post to learn more
By default, we search the text of any determinations attached to an appeal and the name of the Custodian to whom the request was submitted.
Combine AND
and OR
"internal affairs" AND ("boston police" OR "cambridge police")
Appeals where the Custodian field contains “Salem”:
custodian ~ salem
Appeals where the Response Provided Date is set:
set? resp_prov_date
Appeals submitted by news organizations seeking internal affairs records from law enforcement agencies and limited to those appeals where a response was eventually provided by the agency:
("boston globe" OR wbur OR wgbh OR wcvb OR "boston herald" OR masslive OR "boston magazine" OR "commonwealth magazine" OR "Patriot Ledger") AND set? resp_prov_date AND "electronic copy of this response" AND (police OR sheriff OR correction) AND ("internal affairs" OR disciplin OR "internal invest" OR "citizen complaint")